Domain name , the first factor on which somebody evaluates your website , in fact it is necessary to decide a domain which is easy to read and easy to spell and share . But with spread of internet ,enormous number of domains where bought and registered with this it is not so easy deciding a domain which suits you . No matter whatever we think of , it says already taken and you know it hurts when that happens a many times !
Did you know ?
The world’s longest domain name
Legally domain names are allowed to be no longer than 63 characters in length (excluding sub-domains or domain suffixes). While there have been many contenders and claimants for the pole position of longest domain name in the world, I tend to go with the Guinness Book of Records:
(Phew that’s a mouthful!)
source :-
So what to do when you are caught ? . Here it is the top 6 Domain name suggesting tools for your website
1 – Domains bot
Domains bot is one of the best tool to get your next domain . Domains bot automatically adds keywords and search if the domain is available or taken it let you search among enormous gTLDS ( .com , .net etc. ) For better selection of your domain, it also includes prices which is helpful.
Visit :-
2 – Dynadot
Dynadot is the domain suggestion tool which will not be suggested to you by many but as i started using it i found it very helpful . It help us to find extensions that are available and also add meaningful keywords for our suggestion .
Visit :-
3 – Name tumbler
This tool is best if you want to look for hundreds of possible domain name for your keywords , it actually creates a list of some 300-400 domain names which could be found very helpful , but yeah you must have time to check that big list . It also gives you option to combine your keyword with a specific adjective or some sort of animal names , this feature could be very useful .
visit :-
4 – Name mesh
Name mesh classify our keywords into Common , new , SEO and many other forms . It then suggest us the possible domain that falls under that particular category that practically help us to choose our perfect domain name .
visit :-
5 – BustAName
This is a simple tool which add valid prefix , suffix to our keywords , and it also has it’s own list to combine words . This tool works cool and easy .
visit : –
6 – Name Station
This is best tool to generate random domain name it eventually create a list of 6-n number of letters which has random possible domain name i personally love this tool cause you don’t know what’s coming next the domain sometimes is eventually meaningful and available so it is best to grab that !
visit :-
So when it comes about to decide a domain all these tools are really helpful , let me know if u have any other tools which can help us . Comment below about what do feel about the tools don’t forget to rate them below !
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